High level overviev of protocol v. 1.1 DRAFT


This document describes protocol after establishing version. Part of protocol for establishing version is described in Establishing protocol version.

Whole conversation is done inside labdata tag, see: Protocol labdata stanza.

Experiment protocol

  • Operator sends silf:lang:set along with list of preferred languages for GUI
    • Experiment responds with language code which determines language tha will be used for GUI texts in following stanzas
  • Operator sends silf:mode:get
    • Experiment responds with message containing possible modes.
  • Operator sends silf:mode:set
    • Experiment sets the mode, and then sends description of the interface.
  • Operator may send silf:settings:check (possibly many times), this message contains settings set by the user. This settings will be validated
    • Experiments validates the settings and sends response containing validation results
  • Operator sends silf:series:start. It contains settings set by the user.
    • Experiment response varies on the validity of settings:
      • If settings are valid measurement series is stated.
      • If settings are invalid user get’s an error and must send them via silf:series:start again
  • Experiment sends silf:results until the session ends.
  • During experiment session user may change settings that are live (see Input fields). It should use: silf:settings:update.
  • Data series ends when experiment sends silf:series:stop, it may end it in following circumstances:
    • After series is finished (in this case experiment sends: silf:series:stop on its own)
    • After operator requests it by sending silf:series:stop
    • When experiment detects series that take to long, and drops it (shouldn’t occour).
    • When experiment is ending.
  • After end of series user may either:
    • Start a next one
    • Change mode
    • End experiment
  • Experiment ends when experiment server sends: silf:series:stop.
    • Experiment is idle for too long time.
    • Operator requests it by sending silf:series:stop.
    • Bot that is operating the experiment detects end of reservation, and requests stop by sending: silf:series:stop.

Joining groupchat late


This is implemented in protocol version 1.1.0 and above.

When an user (irrevelant whether he is operator or not) joins groupchat he is updated with current experiment state.

First thing he gets information about protocol version used, see: version_selection. Then Athena bot updates client’s state in the following manner:

  • First Athena sends current series using following namespaces:

These messages have the same content and metadata as messages that experiment sent during normal (i.e. not joining late) operation.

If any of these messages were not sent during current session they are not sent now either.

See also: Result compression

  • After sending all above stanzas (that is syncing with current experiment state) Athena should give voice (allow him to write to the room) to user if he is an operator.

  • Then athena sends results from finished series belonging to current session. Each session is sent by sending three stanzas:

    All three stanzas should be send consecutively, however client can join them by comparing experimentId and seriesId.

    See also: Result compression


Results compression There is no requirement to send archival results in single stanza, but athena should compress these results so data is send in concise way.